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Arthroscopic Surgery and Sport Injury

General Information

Through the years, people have come to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Rohit Nalavade informs participating in sports encourages adults and children to have fun and stay healthy. A common man spends substantial amount of time exercising or working out. Athletes on an average work out for 5-6 hours per day.
Unfortunately, injuries in this process are unavoidable. Even the most trained athletes, with proper precautions like warming up, strengthening muscles or cooling down after exercise, may sustain shoulder dislocation, knee fracture or Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury.


Sprain and Strain are debatably the most common sports injuries. Sprain is the stretch or tear in ligaments; they’re the tissues that connect bones to bones, and bones to cartilage. Sprain often occurs on knees, ankles and wrists. Strain is a pull, twisting or a tear in a muscle or a tendon. Tendon is a tissue that connects muscle the bone.

Symptoms of Strain and Sprain are:

  • Pain in the injured area. 
  • Swelling on and around the injured area.
  • Restriction in motion of the injured area. 
  • Redness, bruising or warmth in the injured area.


Bursitis is inflammation or irritation of a bursa. Bursa is a small sac that acts as cushion between the moving structures i.e. bones, muscles, tendons or skin. Bursa lubricates the tendons and tissues to carry out smooth movement of the joints. When bursa is inflated it becomes painful, even during the resting period.

Tendonitis is inflammation or irritation of a tendon. Tendon is a cord that links muscle to a bone. It causes the bone to move. Tendons are small as well as large and can be found in feet and hands.

Symptoms of Bursitis and Tendonitis:

  • Pain in the affected area. 
  • Redness, warmth or swelling of the affected area. 
  • Decreased range of motion of the affected area. 
  • Affected area becomes tender to touch.


The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is one of the major ligaments crucial for the stability of the knee joint. It prevents tibia from sliding out of the femur, and provides rotational stability to the knee. ACL injury occurs when there is a tear in ACL ligament.

Symptoms of ACL injury:

  • Pain and swelling in the knee 
  • Problem while walking. 
  • Loss of full range of motion.
  • Joint line becomes tender to touch.


There are two C- shaped pieces of fibrocartilage between femur and tibia. These are called the menisci. It aids in transferring weight from one to another and plays imperative role in knee stability. A tear in this cartilage causes injury. This could happen when any activity results in forcible twisting or rotation of the knee.

Symptoms of Meniscus Tears:

  • Swelling or stiffness 
  • Difficulty in straightening the leg fully. 
  • Feeling that the knee is locked. 
  • Feeling that the knee is unable to give support.
  • Loss of full range of motion of the knee.

If you’re suffering from any of the above injuries or showcase any of the symptoms, I suggest, you must heed to it and consult any orthopedic doctor because some of them are progressive in nature.

Book a consulting with me now.

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