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Hip Replacement Surgery

General Information

Hip Arthroplasty or more popularly known as hip replacement, is a surgery that cures hip pain and improves functioning of hip by replacing the damaged joint with artificial implants. Dr. Rohit Nalavade informs that there are 2 major types hip replacement surgery-

⦁ Total Hip Replacement Surgery
⦁ Partial Hip Replacement Surgery

And he further explains that there are 3 major approaches for performing hip replacement surgery-

⦁ Anterior Approach (from the front)
⦁ Posterior Approach (from the back)
⦁ Lateral Approach (from the side)

Dr. Nalavade urges everyone to understand anatomy of the hip so that they can take an informed decision regarding hip replacement surgery.

Anatomy of the Knee

Hip joint or Acetabulofemoral joint is the largest joint in the body. It is the ball and socket joint where the acetabulum (part of the pelvis bone) forms the socket and the femoral head (upper end of the thigh bone) forms the ball.

To ensure frictionless glide of the ball and socket joint, the joint is covered by articulate cartilage. Hip joint is surrounded by thin tissue called synovial membrane. This membrane makes a fluid that allows smooth movement of the joint.

Total Hip Replacement Surgery

THR Surgery is the most common type of hip surgery. In this surgery, the entire damaged hip is replaced with artificial implants known as prosthesis. During the surgery, the socket is replaced with an artificial cup. The head of the femur is replaced with a ball and the femur (thighbone) is replaced with a metal stem to achieve stability of the joint and cure pain.

Partial Hip Replacement Surgery

During Partial Hip Replacement surgery, only one side of the hip joint is replaced i.e. femur, instead of the whole joint. Surgeon removes and replaces the head of the femur with ceramic or metal ball, and femur (thighbone) with the metal stem. This surgery is typically done to repair certain types of fractures.

Dr. Rohit Nalavade performs MIS procedure for hip replacement surgery considering that it has lesser impact on the healthy tissues and muscles, causes lesser pain and ensures quicker and easier recovery. Under MIS procedure, smaller incisions are made to reduce blood loss and minimize scar tissue formation.

Dr. Rohit, based on your medical and several other factors, determines which implant type will suit you best. The different types of implants available are as follows-

⦁ Metal-on-Metal
Both socket and ball are composed of metal.

⦁ Ceramic-on-Ceramic
The socket has ceramic lining and ball is made of ceramic.

⦁ Ceramic-on-Metal
The socket has metal lining while the ball is made of ceramic.

⦁ Metal-on-Plastic
The socket is made of plastic or has a plastic lining while the ball is made up of metal.

⦁ Ceramic-on-Plastic
The socket is composed of plastic or has a plastic lining while the ball is made of ceramic.

Hip Replacement surgery is suggested to you by Dr. Nalavade when non-surgical methods like physical therapy, medications etc, fail to provide pain relief. Some of the conditions that necessarily require hip replacement include Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis & Osteonecrosis. Dr Rohit has listed down the symptoms that indicate that one might need a hip replacement surgery as follows-

⦁ Persisting pain
⦁ Loss of motion
⦁ Difficulty in sleeping
⦁ Stiffness and tightness in the hip
⦁ Difficulty in getting up from a seated position

To get better insights on hip replacement surgery, book a consulting with me now!!

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